Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Is This Real Life?

So because I am a ridiculous over-thinker, by Sunday night I had convinced myself that the little light line on my Wondfo was an evap line and I wasn't really pregnant at all. Then when I looked at it again before I went to bed, the line had faded around the edges, which really didn't help matters in my mind. M and I had gone grocery shopping Sunday afternoon and I picked up a couple of FRERs to take on Monday, but I honestly was half expecting to see a temp drop Monday morning. Like I said, I am a crazy over-thinker.

Look at those lovely dark lines! Two of them! This is really real! This time the second line showed up in a millisecond. Of course then I ran to the bedroom, shoved the pee stick in M's face, and screamed "Look! They're darker today! Look!". He was not impressed with that wake up call. Evidently he had not convinced himself overnight that we weren't pregnant.

We spent yesterday wandering around a little tourist town about an hour from us (where I made M look at every single baby item we found), then back to our town for a restaurant dinner and fireworks. It was a good day.

Today I booked my first appointment with my family doctor.  The receptionist was super nice and it was great to be able to talk to someone other than M about it! She did take me a little by surprise when I told her we had been trying for 8 cycles and she went "Oh, so not long at all!". Seriously? I mean, I know it's not as long as a lot of people, but it's felt like for effing ever.

So now I just have to get through the next little while before telling my mum or best friend. I may burst.