Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Excuse my huge hair. It's humid here!

I'm really hoping to hide the whole pregnancy thing from my new job for at least a little while, but at the rate I'm going things aren't looking good! Guess I'll be investing in some flow-y shirts to get me through September.

Today I had my first full-on prenatal appointment (my last one was just a quick chat). Everything went well, we chatted about medical histories and she told me that so far all my bloodwork had come back just fine. Then she checked my heart and my blood pressure, both exactly what they should be. And then (squeee!) we got to listen to baby's heartbeat! I am so so estatically happy we got to hear it. She warned me that this early on there is only a 50/50 chance of finding the heartbeat, and then it took her ages to find it. She said it sounds like my placenta is at the front of my uterus which can make it tricky. But after a few minutes of searching, there it was! A beautiful, crazy-fast, beating heart. I got all choked up, of course. She said it was about 170BPM, which is apparantly good. I'm so much more relaxed knowing there really is a human in there! Oh course, I'm still slightly concerned that there may be two. I'll have an ultrasound later this month to find out, though.

I also had to have a pap done, since I hadn't had one since 2006 (whoops). It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and she told me I have a pregnant-looking cervix. Which apparantly means it's purple-ish. Weird.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Thursday, 15 August 2013

I guess I'll start these now, too.


How far along? 10 weeks, 1 day

How big is baby? Prune

Total weight gain/loss: I'm not sure. I rarely weigh myself, but I know I'm up like 5lbs from the last time I did. Which was a long effing time ago, so it really tells me nothing at all. But in the interest of keeping track of things, I'm now at 113lbs. I really should put batteries in my scale and start paying attention.

Maternity clothes? Nope. Just the occasional flowy shirt to hide my bloat. 

Stretch marks? Not yet. I guarantee I'll be covered, though. 

Sleep? Meh. I'd love to get through the night without getting up to pee.

Pregnancy dreams? Not really.

Best moment this week? I ate a full meal for dinner tonight! Wooo!

Miss anything? Honestly, I kind of really miss sitting on a patio having a drink. That'll go away once summer's over, though. I'm not a big drinker most of the time.

Movement? Nada. 

Food cravings? All I want is fruit. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Haven't really been sick, but doing dishes makes me gag. Also I have no appetite. 

Team Green/Finding Out? Green! 

Labor signs: Hopefully not for a good long while. 

Symptoms: Tired. So effing tired. And my boobs are killing me. And I don't want to eat. Ever. 

Belly button in or out? In. But the shape is changing. My belly button is usually long and kind of almond-shaped, but lately it's becoming a lot more round.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm a grump.

Any milestones this week? I don't think so? 

Looking forward to: Having an appetitie again!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


I figure I may as well start Hump Day Bump Day now. If nothing else, it'll give me a reason to update at least once a week, since evidently I'm terrible at it. So, without furthur ado, here's my 10 week blump.

I discovered today that I suck at taking selfies. Next week, M is going to have to help me. It took an embarassing amout of time to get this pic without being blurry beyond recognition.