7:30 - Get out of bed. Immediately pour coffee and drink while getting dressed
8:00 - Eat a giant double-helping of maple-brown sugar instant oatmeal
8:15 - Pack lunch. Think maybe there's not quite enough food. Scour cupboards for anything that looks remotely edible. Pack it all. Leave for work.
10:00 - Starving. Start counting the minutes till I can leave the classroom for a snack.
10:55 - Kids start lunch. Help kids open lunch containers, and restrain self from sneaking crackers and pickles out of their lunch kits.
11:00 - First break. Eat two containers of yogurt. Eat three chocolate chip cookies.
12:00 - Second break (yes, my break times are ridiculous.). Eat two pizza pockets. Drink orange juice. Eat granola bar
2:00 - Third break. Drink hot chocolate. Eat crackers and cheese. Eat mini chocolate bar left from Halloween. Contemplate having hummus and naan bread, but decide it's time to get back to the classroom.
3:00 - Starving staaarrviiinngg I'm staaaaarrrvviiinggggg!!!
4:00 - Home from work. Eat cookie. Eat hummus and naan bread. Start wondering when I can fit in dinner around my 5pm doctor's appointment. Wonder what to have for a bedtime snack.
I. Just. Can't. Stop. Eating.
Hahahaha. This sounds so familiar. I raid my cabinets every morning before work. And DH is shocked that I have snacks strategically hidden in my car, purse and around the house.